Shortcut menu of Alarm Window


If you press mouse right button at alarm events window or alarm window object of graphic screen, shortcut menu is shown such as <Figure 1>.


<Figure 1> Example for Alarm Window shortcut menu


Alarm window has the shortcut menus as follows.

             Confirm One Alarm : It is function to confirm the selected alarm.

             Confirm One Page : It is function to confirm the alarm which occur at current page.

             Confirm All Alarms : It is function to confirm all alarms which are displayed at alarm window.

             Confirm Alarm Sound : It is function to turn off the alarm sound which is generated currently.

             Delete Alarm : It is function to delete the selected alarm at alarm window. But, the alarms are saved as alarm files.

             Delete All Alarms : It is function to delete entire alarms which are displayed at alarm window. But, the alarms are saved as alarm files.

             Disable Alarms : It is function to set whether to generate entire alarm. (It is same function with 'Disable all alarms' of 'Config | Alarm' menu)

             Alarm Sound : It is function to set whether to generate the alarm sound. (It is same function with 'Sound enable' of 'Config | Alarm' menu)

             Print Alarms : It is function to print the contents for alarm window.

             Font : It is function to set the font, font style, size, effects and script etc.

             Cancel : It is function to close the shortcut menu of alarm window.


Also, you can set confirming alarm etc at alarm window by using scripts as follows.

@ArlarmGetEventCount : It is function to get the count of event alarm generated currently.

@AlarmGetSoundFlag : It is function to get whether to generate entire alarm sound.

@AlarmListConfirm : It is function to confirm the alarm of designated position(or all) in alarm window.

@AlarmListDelete : It is function to delete the alarm of designated position(or all) in alarm window.

@AlarmListGetCursor : It is function to get the currently selected position value in alarm window.

@AlarmListSetCursor : It is function to change the currently selected position of alarm window to designated value.

@AlarmListSetFilter : It is function to set search(list) condition of alarm window.

@AlarmSetSoundFlag : It is function to set whether to generate entire alarm sounds.

@AlarmSoundConfirm : It is function to confirm(OFF) the currently generated event alarm sound.


If you want to display the alarms at alarm window, you have to set screen alarm type as 'During Alarms' or 'Until Users Confirm' at 'Config | Alarm Priority' menu of studio.


Reference) @ViewAlarmList script is function to view the saved alarm as by date, by month and the all alarms etc.


Relate items)

Viewing the Alarm Events

Graphic Object of Alarm Window











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Viewing the Graphics

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